5 Conspiracy Theories Validated In 2021 | The Liberty Beacon

What was once written off as ‘conspiracy theory’ is now government policy!

By:  David Heller

2021 saw some dramatic events in governments’ attempts to “combat COVID.” What was once considered paranoid theories, science-fiction, or ideas from the movies, have become a part of life over the past year. In 2020 we experienced lockdowns, mass testing, and face masks – and so it continued in 2021. But 2021 saw the emergence of new anti-COVID measures and new revelations that vindicated what some called conspiracy theories, previously relegated to the fringes on the web.

Vaccine Passports

Vaccine passes or immunity passports were once dismissed as paranoid conspiracy theories that would never be implemented domestically in free societies. But as we learned in 2021, numerous politicians and policymakers first dismissed the idea, only to change direction and impose the invasive and controlling mechanism – under the guise of wanting to open up society from the lockdowns they previously imposed. Despite the lack of an ethical and epidemiological basis for such an idea, vaccine passes swept the world in 2021. UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson opposed domestic COVID passes at the start of the year, and implemented them by the end of the year. Prime Minister of Canada Justin Trudeau also opposed vaccination passports calling them “divisive” at the start of the year and later embraced them. A similar story played out across much of the developed world, what was once written off as a conspiracy theory is now government policy.

COVID Camps’

The idea that governments were planning to build quarantine camps was another rumor that was circulating in 2020. The fear was that the government would detain people, even healthy people into internment camps – this was written off by the media and politicians as just more ‘disinformation’. By late 2020 questions were being raised in the Ontario legislature, in Canada by MPP Randy Hillier about camps. He was jeered, shouted out with calls for him to sit down, and his microphone turned off. In Australia, camps were talked about, but only for travelers – anyone who said they may be used for others was branded as a conspiracy theorist and spreaders of fake news. As time went on these camps were built and opened both in Canada and Australia. The facilities in Canada were not used just for travelers or just for people who were looking to ‘voluntarily isolate’ but rather included other Canadians who were detained due to their non-compliance with COVID regulations.

Australia also built camps under the auspices of helping travelers find a place to self-isolate but then began detaining citizens without due process for violating COVID regulations. There were cases of three teenagers who broke out of their ‘voluntary’ stay at the camp after being detained despite having tested negative for COVID. Hayley Hodgson who in an interview described how she was detained under threat of arrest and put into a camp for two weeks – even though she was not a COVID patient. To make matters more dramatic, Australia’s military was called in to ‘assist’ in transporting people to quarantine camps. With the details still unclear, the aboriginals made an appeal for help to the international community. What started as a wild theory on the fringes of the web, was later implemented and, some might say abused by the authorities, is now a fact of life – COVID camps are here. Canada has decided to expand the program, and similar programs exist in Germany and New Zealand.

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5G and COVID

At the start of the pandemic, some speculated that COVID did not exist, and the illness was caused and transmitted by 5G – this speculation was with little basis and never proven to be true. At the same time, many were concerned that wireless radiation could cause flu-like symptoms similar to COVID, or that radiation could depress one’s immune system making people more susceptible to COVID. Did microwave radiation make people sick with COVID-like symptoms? This claim was fact-checked and dismissed as “unfounded” since there is “no evidence that 5G is harmful to humans”. The BBC, quoting a scientist, called the claim “complete rubbish”. Facebook’s COVID-19 policy still prohibits such claims on its platform.

Fast forward to September 2021, when the National Institute of Health (NIH) published a study confirming just that “evidence presented here supports a premise that WCR [Wireless Communications Radiation] and, in particular, 5G, which involves densification of 4G, may have exacerbated the COVID-19 pandemic by weakening host immunity and increasing SARS-CoV-2 virulence. ” In particular, it was “amplifying immune dysfunction, including immunosuppression, autoimmunity, and hyper inflammation” and “increasing intracellular Ca2+ essential for viral entry, replication, and release, in addition to promoting pro-inflammatory pathways.” The study explains that it is certainly not the first study to conclude that WCR can cause bodily damage; “For decades, independent research scientists worldwide have emphasized the health risks and cumulative damage caused by WCR [here, here]. The evidence presented here is consistent with a large body of established research.” Unfortunately, this research has yet to influence policymakers while wireless communication systems continue to be rolled out across the world.

The Origins of COVID

The origins of the COV-SARS2 were straightforward as far as the establishment was concerned – the virus passed from an animal (likely a bat) to a human in the Wuhan wet market. This was the assessment made by the World Health Organization (WHO) in early 2020. To further solidify the theory of the natural origin, a group of scientists published a firm statement in The Lancet, saying that they “strongly condemn conspiracy theories suggesting that COVID-19 does not have a natural origin” and that scientists “overwhelmingly conclude that this coronavirus originated in wildlife.” Supported by big tech’s censorship, this theory was established as the undebatable truth.

By 2021 the unquestionable assertion of a natural origin began to unravel. David Asher, who led the State Department’s investigation into the matter revealed that several workers at the Wuhan Institute of Virology were hospitalized with an illness very similar to COVID about a month before the new virus was identified. A study was written by Steven Quay and Richard Muller in February and later reported in the Wall Street Journal, examined the sequence of the amino acids in the genome of the virus. They found that “in the entire class of coronaviruses that includes CoV-2, the CGG-CGG combination has never been found naturally” and concluded “The presence of the double CGG sequence is strong evidence of gene splicing, and the absence of diversity in the public outbreak suggests gain-of-function acceleration. The scientific evidence points to the conclusion that the virus was developed in a laboratory.”

In popular culture, the suspicion of a lab leak became more palatable after President Biden ordered an investigation into the matter by the National Security Agency, and popular comedian Jon Stewart appeared on The Late Show. In a humorous rant said it’s obvious to suspect the lab since the new virus first appeared in the very same city that happens to host a lab that experiments with viruses. Out of the 27 scientists that signed the Lancet’s article calling for a suppression of the lab-leak theory, 26 were found to have connections with the Wuhan lab in question, by year’s end Lancet’s editor acknowledged that there were significant competing interests by the authors.

Microchipping People

Theories around new attempts by governments and tech companies to track the people have been circulating for decades. Since COVID there have been two main theories that involve the concept of implanting microchips in people. The first is that the vaccine itself contains some sort of communication device, this theory has not been proven correct. The second theory was that a vaccine pass or RFID would be implanted in people and be used in order to maintain or restrict people’s freedom of movement. This theory was declared to be false by Reuters in April 2020.

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In November of 2021 Swedish authorities announced they will require proof of vaccination in order to enter gatherings with over 100 people. At the same time, a Swedish company called DSruptive, which makes implantable microelectronics, found a new application for their product. Instead of carrying a vaccination pass on paper, or on a smartphone app, the company will implant it directly into the person’s hand. Managing Director, Hannes Sjoblad, explained how the process works in a short video, and how people are finding it more convenient. Currently, the implants don’t track a person’s location or transmit any biometric data that wasn’t put on the chip. While authorities have allowed the implanted chips to be used as a vaccine pass, they haven’t (yet) been made mandatory.

Pandemics and times of rapid social change, inevitably arouse suspicions and mistrust over what is going on. While some conspiracy theories remain theories, and may never be proven true, 2021 saw some very significant revelations that were once considered far-off and highly unlikely, becoming an everyday reality.


The above article (Five ‘conspiracy theories’ that were validated in 2021) was originally created and published by FRONTLINE NEWS and is republished here under “Fair Use” (see the TLB disclaimer below) with attribution to the author David Heller and


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